Identify Person

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The note on the wall is:

The person who sent you the postcard signed off with the question marks. So their identity must be revealed by this formula.

Where have you seen the triangle before?

One of the 100 Taler bills has the triangle on it.

What could the missing city refer to?

You got a lot of domino tiles by now and all of them have cities on them. But how can you find one that is missing from this set?


In the beginning you had received a sheet with information about how to play dominoes. That sheet also includes a list of domino stones that the particular set should have. Do you have all the tiles from that list or is one missing?


The only tile that you have not received is singapore. So triangle must be singapore.

You need to find the name of the Pai Gow player. Where have you seen this?

The scoring sheet you received has a name on it: K V Mezl.

This means that the name of the person is = Singapore + KVMezl


How can you add letters to each other? You need numbers, letters cannot be added.


Try converting letters to numbers, then adding and seeing if you can get new letters from them.

The letters for Singapore and KVMezl convert to:

Adding these should give you:

Can you convert the summed up numbers to letters? Be careful, some are greater than 26.

Numbers up to 26 can be converted to letters as simply as 1=A, 2=B, 3=C and so on.

What can you do with numbers greater than 26?


For numbers greater than 26, just subtract 26 and see what letter you get. For example, 30 would become 4 (30-26), which is D.

The postcard you received in the beginning, also said that Washington DC will reveal the length of her name.

Deala Bore is 9 letters long. The Washington DC tile has the numbers 4 and 5 on it, the sum of which is 9.

So this must be the name.


The solution is: dealabore