Ready to open The Office Door

Having pored over all the items you have, you think you have figured out the code to his office. With bated breath you start punching in the numbers.

The Office Door

The Professor’s students say that he usually sends them some things while he travels.

The pin is 4 digits, and you have 4 items that come straight from the professor that you have at the moment. Have you found these and looked closely?

Can you find any numbers on the postcards, which could have been put there deliberately by the professor? As his research group said, read his words carefully.

Did Professor McEwan leave any numbers in the messages he wrote for his research group?

You have the numbers? Great! But you would need to find an order for them somehow. How would the Professor indicate the order?

Could the order that the Professor sent the postcards in matter? Is there anything that could help you figure that out?

Keep in mind that not everyone in the world writes dates the same way. The Professor is a well travelled man and would know this.